Why do People Migrate?

    Today in class we discussed things that would drive someone to or from a country (push/pull factors) and got our information from the World FactBook. We looked at the total fertility rate of countries (average number of babies). For a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1. If it is greater than this number, the population increases; if it is less than this number, the population decreases. The world TFR is 2.42, meaning our world population is increasing. However, TFR only accounts for infants, and disregards things like immigration. Nigeria's TFR is 6.89 showing how the developing country is increasing and that the average woman has about 6 kids. We also looked at other things on the FactBook like the U.S. population (which is 326, 625, 791). We also looked at other things like obesity rate in France, the U.S., and Japan. The largest one was the U.S. with 36.2%, France was second with 21.6%, and Japan had the smallest with 4.3%. These things show how some people could be attracted to a country, or repelled from it. The push or pull factors like fertility rate determine whether or not a person will got to that country or leave it. The World FactBook describes many of these which we looked at today.


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