Rome and Politics

    Today in class, we talked more about Tarquin and his story. It is all pretty corrupted. Tarquin's families behavior made the people of Rome NEVER want to be ruled by a king again. The rule of the kings was replaced by two consuls. The consuls could veto each other, and were elected officials. They were in office were one year, and they were always aristocrats. All patricians traced their descent from a famous ancestor, or pater (father). Their duties were dealing justice, making law, and commanding the army. Since the consul's had the ability to veto each other, the power was reduced among one of the individuals. Plebeians dominated 98% of the population, but the patricians (2%) dominated most of the government. Plebeians were forced to serve in the army, and could not hold office. They were threatened by debt slavery and had no legal rights. Tarquin's family was very corrupt with both him and his son taking advantage of their power. The people of Rome expelled them from the country because of their actions.


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