Class Today

 Today in class, we did a lot of things. First, the kids who were unable to hand in their blog last night fixed it. Other students helped them and everyone ended up turning it in. I had already handed mine in so I helped another student with hers. Mr. Schick then went over the class syllabus and talked about our materials we need, the course description, cheating, technology repercussions, and grading. I also found out that we would be doing a lot of note taking in this class which will help prepare us for college. We also learned about the late assignment policy. Everyday an assignment is late, you lose 10% off your grade. For the rest of the class we learned about the rules and processes that relate to the course. Now that I know the rules of the classroom, I feel more comfortable and I'm not as stressed as I was before. I feel like I will do okay as long as I do my best and put in a lot of effort.


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