A Message to Garcia Essay

A Message to Garcia

            This essay really showed me the fine line between excellence and zero integrity. The essay explains a situation where integrity was displayed, and another situation where it wasn’t. When Garcia was nowhere to be found during a war in mysterious territory, the President sent someone named Rowan to go find him and deliver a letter. Rowan didn’t ask any questions, he just went. I believe the writer was trying to show how Rowan was able to concentrate on something, and complete the task. The author thinks that everybody should be able to do this. Not a lot of people are able to succeed without the help of someone else, bribing, threat, etc. I think if we all were able to complete the task without assistance we could live more effectively. Everyone would be interdependent and not reliant on anyone else. This not only helps the world but it helps ourselves. We become more independent human beings and do not have to rely on other people every hour of every minute of every second of the day. Being self-efficient leads to excellence. Also, in the essay it talks about if you needed an errand to be run and there were six clerks to perform this task. You choose one and they either say “Yes, sir”, or ask a million questions regarding it so that you basically perform the task for them. The assistant who say “Yes, sir”, is taking the initiative. They are performing the task, and determined to complete it. They don’t need anyone’s help, they know they can do it on their own. People who can do this will get applauded, like in this essay. There is not a lot of independence these days, and I believe the author is trying to bring it back. In the very last paragraph of the essay, it says, “The world cries out for such; he is needed, and needed badly-the man who can carry a message to Garcia.” This means the world needs more people like Rowan who can take the initiative, complete the task, and have a lot of integrity. These people withhold a lot of excellence and will move a lot farther than those who don’t. They can help improve the social aspects of our world today.

5 Ways to Have a Successful Year at John Carroll

·      I will make sure I have all my things organized and put away the night before attending school. This will ensure I will be prepared for class. I have a lot more materials than last year that I have to keep track of, so this will help me do so.
·      I will complete homework during free mods or any other free time to make sure I get it all done. I will be very busy with sports and after school activities so I should get it done whenever I can.
·      I will limit time on my phone during school nights. This will help me focus on my work and not get distracted.
·      I will study my notes in my classes every night to make sure I fully understand the material. This will keep me from falling behind and it will keep me from stressing out before a big test or quiz.
·      I will try my best to get a full 9 hours of sleep. I will be more awake during my classes and less likely to miss important information from being sleep-deprived. Also, I will be well rested for sports and other extra-curricular activities.



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