Preparing for the Test

    Today in class we thought about some good test questions and answered them. Our questions included the topics we have talked about over the last few days like excellence, ancient Greek terms, Socrates, areté, and A Message to Garcia. We talked about the test, how many questions, and how many points it would be. Some of the questions we discussed in class were "What does Socrates' quote mean to you?", "What happened at Socrates trial", "What is the importance of the year 508 B.C. to the Greeks?", "What is the Socratic method?", and other questions about taking the initiative and other Greek terms. Also, we talked about cell phones and how much our world has changed. For our generation, cell phones are an everyday thing we use and something we never think twice about. For people who grew up without them, having a cell phone is something they marvel about. Cell phones were such a big change from our other forms of communication. They are a very interesting electronic. So, to sum up, we went over test questions and prepared for the test, and had other discussions that branched off from the test.


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