Mental Mapping

  Today in class we talked about how our perspectives of the world and how it looks can differ. We used the term "mental map", which is a person's point-of-view perception of their area of interaction, most commonly called your activity space. We talked about how many kids who have never traveled to France believe the stereotypical statement that the French are rude to the Americans. The people who have been to France say it depends on the situation and where you are. If you go up to them and scream in English hoping they will understand you, they will most likely be rude. So basically, if we come to their country and disrespect them, they're going to be rude. Wouldn't anyone? If you were to attempt to speak their language, they would probably treat you a lot better. After hearing this, it made me think a lot. It completely changed my perspective about tyhe world and the French.


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