
     Today in class we discussed situation. Situation is the location of a place relative to other places. An unfamiliar place can be described by comparing it with a familiar place. This also helps to understand its importance. For example, when describing to directions to someone who does not know where they are going, you use landmarks, buildings and streets that are familiar to the person. A locations situation can also determine its strategy or reason for its place. For example, Singapore is near the Strait of Malacca, so Singapore became a center for trading. Situation determines a places resources and its purpose. Also, in class, we looked at our everyday things like our shoes, shirts, and laptops to see where they were made. We talked about how Apple, a very rich company, has their products made in China where they do not have to pay minimal wage. If they were made here, the price of the products would go up and nobody would buy them.


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