Thinking Geographically

   Today in human geography we started a new unit and went over the key questions and new information. We started off talking about regions. Regions relate to space, place, and location. They are very important in human geography. A formal region is an area with a high level of consistency in a certain cultural or physical attribute. In these regions everyone shares a common attributes or traits like language, climate and political systems. Formal regions help outline and determine cultural, political and economic regions. Regions group and generalize common characteristics. After we discussed regions, we did multiple maps. We did a map that included regions like North America, South America, Oceania, Antartica, Brazil, etc. On the other map we labeled things like Western Europe, East Asia, Sub-Sahara Africa, Africa, etc. I was able to label these maps without difficulty. I hope I will be able to memorize the regions soon and learn some new ones.


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