CIA Website

    Today in class we looked more in depth at the a website. Mr. Schick asked us to look up some interesting facts about any country we wanted to. I searched around for awhile and I found an interesting fact about Zambia. In Zambia, their estimated life expectancy is 52.5 years on average for their entire population. This is close to 30 years less than the United States life expectancy of 79.8 years. I was looking around and found another interesting fact in Madagascar. According to the website, young girls are forced into arranged marriages. In these marriages, the girls are forced to marry older men in exchange for oxen or money. This is a traditional lifestyle and if the marriage is unsuccessful, the girl can be placed in another marriage. It is very interesting to see how the countries around the world differ from our country in the many different categories on the website. We also got our quizzes back, and I got one wrong. This surprised me a lot because I thought I did not do too great.


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