Test Day

   Today in class we took our second test. It was not difficult, but not super easy. There were a couple questions I didn't know, for example, what does GPS stand for? I answered Geographic Placement System, but the correct answer was Global Positioning System. I'm actually kind of mad at myself for not getting that, because the GPS system is based off of the satellites in space that find your position on Earth. Also, last night I forgot to complete my blog because I was studying and it just completely slipped my mind. I've missed 3 blogs now, which is not good. The second one I missed was because I missed class and thought I did not have to write one, but I was wrong. I'm excited to see what the new units on and hopefully I'll do a little bit better on that test. This class is different from my previous social studies classes because we do a lot of note-taking and listening and not a lot of worksheets. This is what it is like in college so I feel like this class is giving me a little preview of that and preparing me for it.


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