Think Global, Act Local

    Some geographers and people who are worried about the environment use the quote, "Think global, act local." This pertains to us because it means that problems that are at a global scale, can be fixed or improved on a local scale. Contemporary geographers altered this quite to "Think and act both global and local." All scales are important to geography; the scales depend on the subject. Global scales can involve things like population, location of  certain religions, and and the locations of factories.
    Globalization Scale is an important measure of globalization, which is a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide. Globalization is responsible for keeping people from being able to interact with other people, objects, and ideas around the world. The world has become so glued to their own lifestyles, and are sheltered away from other communities. As time goes by, people are sticking to their own areas and economies, and this is creating a more interdependent and uniform world. This is keeping a lot of people from interacting with other things around the world and isolating them from many objects that are important to the world connections.


  • The process by which organizations begin to operate on international scales.
  • The increase of trade around the world, especially from mass-producing companies. 
Laptop (MacBook Pro)- Company: Apple, Company location: California, Product made: China
Uniform Skirt- Company: Flynn O'Hara, Company location: Parkville, MD, Product made: Dominican Republic
Pencil- Company: BIC, Company location- France, Product made: France
Folder- Company: Mead, Company location: Dayton, Ohio, Product made: China


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