
    Today in class we discussed the idea of time. We talked about how time influences our lives and our bodies. It influences our bodies by creating the Circadian Cycle which is a biological and physical clock for every individual. This means that when we get up at our certain time very morning, and go to bed at our certain time, our Circadian cycle is allowing this. Also, the entire world operates on different time zones. The difference from here to Indiana is that Indiana is 1 hour behind us. These hours vary around the world. In 1879, a man named Fleming proposed the idea that the world should operate on one clock. Everyone would have the same time at any time of the day. This would change the time we wake up, depending on when the sun comes up. In some places, they could be waking up at 6 o'clock at night. The clock would not be linked to any surface Meridian. Time is measured by the past, present, and future. The present is very short and turns into the past very quickly. We demonstrated this by clapping and saying a second later was the current present and the clap was the past. We also talked about Daylight Savings time and why it occurs. We switch our clocks based on the fact that kids would be standing on the side of the road in pitch black waiting for their bus in a city or even a rural area. This would be very dangerous. Our time zones were established in 1900, which seems crazy since it was only about one hundred years ago.


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