Today in class Mr. Schick gave us a pop quiz. It was on a lot of the things we have learned already like longitude and latitude, times zones, etc. It was a little tricky, and I wasn't very prepared. I checked Veracross this afternoon and saw I got a 90%. I was not very happy about my performance, but I am glad I got an A. After we finished the quiz, we did an activity with maps and used the website This website has information on all the countries, and included information about their populations. We took the top 25 biggest countries based on population and wrote them down in order. After writing them down, we found them and labeled them on the map. I enjoyed this activity because I like geography and learning where new countries are. I could find some of them easily like China. U.S., Russia, Brazil, etc, but I had trouble finding countries like Congo, Burma, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, etc. I feel like I learned the location of many new countries, and hope...
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