More Population Pyramids

    Today in class we finished the rest of the powerpoint and looked closely at population pyramids of specific cities. We identified the shape of the graph and determined the cause of the shape being that way. For example, Ann Arbor Michigan has a lot of 15-29 year olds. This is because there is a military base in the town. Many young kids go there to be recruited in the army. You wouldn't see many 8- year olds preparing to enter combat, which explains the low number of elders. Also, we went on the population pyramid website and looked at random countries pyramids. We determined the cause for the shape of their pyramid by inferring some particular components of that area or region that could factor in on the population and the ages. The website gives you the pyramid, the percentage, and the actual number of people in that certain age group. It was interesting to see and utilize this website.


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