Demographic Transition Graph

    Today in class we learned about and analyzed a Demographic Transition Graph. The graph shows lines that represent the total population and its transition of birth and death rates. There are 4 different stages: High stationary, early expanding, late expanding, low stationary, and declining. There are two lines representing the birth rate and the other representing the death rate; the area in between represents the area of natural increase. For example, Brazil has a falling birth rate and a slowly falling death rate. Because of this, the natural increase slows down. Also, there is a reason for the birth rate slowing down, as in Brazil, it is due to improved medical care and diet, therefore there are fewer children needed. Also, their death rate slowed down due to improved sanitation, medical care, and water supply. Fewer children die. Brazil is a late expanding country, which is the third stage. When the birth rate line on the graph dips under the death rate line, the result is natural decrease.


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