Exam Discussion

    Today in class we got a hard copy of the pop quiz questions to look over and study for our unit test on Monday. The test will be on population pyramids, demographic translations graphs, migration, population, etc. We talked about a possible stage 6 on the demographic translation graph. This stage would consist of a high birth rate and low death rate resulting in a booming population. A cause of this increase in birth rate could be the want to be a world denomination. People would have more kids to become more powerful as a nation. We also went over the exam. We talked about what it covers, how many questions, and how many written responses. The material on our test before the exam will also be covered on the exam. There will be no essay questions on the test on Monday. As for the exam, there will be two which we will find out later when we receive our review packets for our exam on Wednesday, a week from now.


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