Pop Quiz

    Today in class we took a pop quiz on the Hans Rosling video and the demographic transitions graph. The quiz had 10 questions and I know I got 7 right. I'm not very happy about this grade, but I tried my best and the questions were a little difficult. It brought my 100 in the class down tom a 97. After taking the quiz and going over the questions, we discussed the graph. I needed a refresher on how the graph and stages worked. I had gotten the stages confused on the quiz. The first stage marks a country with a high birth rate and high death rate, therefore there is a small rate of natural increase. Stage two has a hight birth rate, but a rapidly falling death rate, causing a rapid incline in the rate of increase. The U.S. was in stage one in 1776, before they were a developed country. We also discussed the exam today. There is going to be 100 questions, and 2 essays. The questions will date all the way back to our first unit when we discussed excellence and Socrates. We will be receiving review packets soon in order to begin to prepare.


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