
    Today in class we talked more about Homer and his impact with his stories The Iliad and The Odyssey. The Iliad describes events in the Trojan war. The Odyssey displays a man named Odysseus and his attempt to return home after the Trojan War. Poseidon, god of the sea, becomes jealous of Odysseus' greatness and throws many storms and obstacles at Odysseus. The story takes the audience through Odysseus' adventures, which takes him about 10 years to get through. We also talked about the "Homeric Question", which basically questions Homer's existence. Homer was a blind old man who wandered from place to place telling the 2 epics he had memorized. This was during a time where stories were passed on by word. Homer could have not ever existed, and the stories he supposably composed could have been a combination of generations of storytelling. Also, in class today, we listened to a part of The Odyssey where Odysseus comes into contact with the cyclops. The story was very interesting, and showed Odysseus as a crafty, wise man.


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