More World Leaders

    Today in class we talked more about the world leaders and discussed the rest of the countries. We talked about France, Japan, Italy, Syria, Canada, Israel, United States, Kenya, South Korea, and North Korea. Japan's leader is Shinzo Abe and he leads a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Japan has both a prime minister and emperor, but the prime minister has all the power. Shinzo Abe's father and grandfather were both politicians. Italy is a parliamentary republic and is lead by President Sergio Mattarella. Mattarella has only been on the job for 2 years, his brother was killed in the mafia, and his father was a politician as well. Syria is a presidential republic and is lead by Bashar al- Assad. He was a doctor in the army, his older brother was killed in a car accident, Bashar was the next heir. Bashar is also continuing to attempt to destroy a rebellion by bombing his own country and people. He has become very similar to a tyrant. Canada is a parliamentary democracy and lead by Justin Trudeau. Trudeau was born on Christmas day, he welcomes in Syrian refugees, and is environmentally conscience. 


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