Politcal Geography

    Today in class we talked about political geography and different aspects of it. The world is organized in 3 ways: Country, nation and state. A country is an identifiable land area. A nation is a population with a common culture. A state is a population under a single government. Nations are a group of people, larger than a single tribe, and they share a common language, religion, culture, and historical experience. An example of a nation is the U.S. The United States is a population that share a similar language (English) and historical experiences like 9/11, Boston Tea Party, etc. An independent state has a territory with recognized boundaries. For example, a boundary for some states are rivers. Once a river is crossed, you are in another state. Also. people live in the state on an ongoing basis. Antartica is not a state because it does not have a permanent population. States also have transportation systems like planes, buses, trains, etc. They also have an organized economy, sovereignty, a government, and external recognition.


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