Political Geography Project

    Today in class we went over the political geography slides again and reviewed examples of each. I learned that a State is not necessarily an actual state. It can be a country because of the aspects it suggests. Countries have borders, a government, a good economy, transportation and the other attributes. We started a project today where we have to take multiple countries and find their leader, location, type of government and the name of the leader. For example, the United States, the type of government is a constitution- based federal republic and the leaders name is President Donald Trump. We have to do countries like Italy, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Israel, etc. The project is due Friday, which is the 5th. The project is worth a total of 90 points, so I'm hoping to get a good grade since its almost as much as a test grade. There are many countries, and we have to remember a lot of them for our test.


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