Western Cvilization

    Today in class we started Western Civ and received new students in our class. The other students set up their blogs and learned the ways of our class. Our classwork was to read pages in our ancient history textbooks on classical Greece. I learned many new things about Greece. First off the roots of the Greek culture are based on interactions with Mycenaean, Minoan, and Dorian cultures. Greece was not always united. Minoans created a civilization on Crete. Greece's geography is a mountainous peninsula located in the Mediterranean sea. There’s 2000 Islands and its geography shaped it’s culture and tradition. The sea allowed parts of Greece to be linked and gave transportation routes. Greeks learn to become skilled sailors and the coastline was close. The land provided rugged mountains which covered 3/4 of Greece. The mountains divided the land which influence politics. Small independent community is developed and transportation was difficult. The land was not suitable for farming therefore making grease unable to support large populations. The climate was Varied and influenced outdoor life. Many civic activities took place outdoors. The Mycenaean  civilization came from Mycenae which is located in southern grease on steep rocky land surrounded by water. They were able to withstand any attack and were controlled by strong rulers who dominated Greece. Many civic activities took place outdoors. They contacted the Minoans through trade in war and learn the value of seaborne trade. They adapted the Minoan writing system and were influenced through their culture religion politics and literature. The Trojan war was a 10 year war against Troy and was started by a Trojan prince who kidnapped a Greek queen. The Greek culture under the Dorian's started by sea raiders attacking and burning Mycenaean cities. Dorian's  were far less advanced and caused the Greek and economy to collapse.


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