Democracy and Greece's Golden Age

    Today in class, two people needed to take their tests still, so the rest of us took our remaining notes from the textbook. I found out I got a 95 on my test, which I'm kinda surprised. But I guess I should have studied more for a higher grade. In the textbook, we learned about Greece's Golden Age. Pericles led most of the Golden Age, and he had through goals throughout: strengthen Athenian democracy, strengthen the empire, and glorify Athens. Pericles allowed poor citizens to hold office, which got more people involved making Athens the most democratic government in history. He established a direct democracy which is a form of government where all citizens rule directly, not through representatives. In the Athenian Empire, the Delian league was organized after the Persian War. The league consisted of other city- states, except some on Peloponnesus. Pericles used a lot of money to renovate Athens. There was a temple constructed as an architectural design. It was built to honor Athena, and had a 30 foot tall statue of her. Greek sculptors also created classical art. The Greeks also invented drama and built the first theaters. They also started to use comedies and tragedies. 


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