Essay Project

    Today in class we got back our pop quizzes and learned that we will be starting an essay on Greece. I ended up getting a 100% on the quiz, and I'm pretty happy about that. For the project, the whole class split into groups of five and each have to write a paragraph to our entire class essay. There is no word minimum, it just has to be a thorough response. My group picked the intro paragraph. We just have to briefly overview topics like Greece's geography, lifestyle, government, leaders, etc. We each took one of those topics to summarize and I chose geography and how its affects their lifestyle. Below is what I have.

Greece has a history that set the tone for the entire world. Whether it’s government, leaders, culture, or lifestyle, ancient Greece left its mark. Greece’s geography varies across the country. There are peninsulas, islands, and a mountainous mainland. Their geography had a major impact on their lifestyle such as effecting their culture and ability to unite as a nation. It also affected their diet by limiting their food resources. They were limited to foods like fish, olives, grapes, and grain. With the numerous rugged mountains, city-states had trouble uniting. People often remained loyal to their city rather than the country as a whole.


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