Hellenistic Culture

    Today in class we discussed Hellenistic culture. Hellenistic culture is a blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian culture. The language Koine was spoken and was a direct result of cultural blending. It allowed the people in the Hellenistic world to be able to communicate. Alexandria became the foremost center of commerce and culture/civilization. The commerce enabled the city to grow and prosper. There was half a million diverse people inhabiting Alexandria. The attractions to the city were Alexander's coffin (which didn't exactly contain Alexander), Pharos (lighthouse), and the library, which had 500,000 papyrus scrolls. There were many advancements with Astronomy and technology. Aristarchus found out that the sun is at least 300x bigger than the Earth. Also, he figured out that other planets revolved around the sun. Ptolemy said the Earth was in the center of the universe, and was taught for the next 14 centuries. Eratosthenes estimated the real size of the Earth and said it was round. In mathematics, Euclid wrote a book on geometry called Elements. Archimedes estimated the value of pi and made a screw that can take water out of the ground. In philosophy, Zeno founded Stoicism. Stoicism is when people should live virtuous lives in harmony with the will of God. Epicurus founded Epicureanism. That is, the idea that God's have no interest in the will of humans, and they rule the universe. The Colossus of Rhodes was a 100 foot high statue and one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. In 150 B.C., the Hellenistic world declined, and the Romans moved in as the major power of western civilization.


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