Snow Day

    Today in class we didn't do much. Ryan presented his project on Homer, and gave facts on the Odyssey, the Iliad, and facts on Homer. I learned some new things about how long both stories are. At the end, he did a poll on how many people think Homer actually existed. People would write yes or no on a sheet of paper and put it in a box. Ryan calculated the totals and determined there was 17 yes' and  6 nos. About 68% of the class said yes, and 32% said no. I said yes because I think Homer existed. We also talked about the snow we will be getting. We determined that we would have 14-22" of snow by Thursday morning. I think we will have off tomorrow and either a 2 hour delay or off Thursday. We are getting out at 12:45 today. So far, we probably have about an inch of snow, and it should continue today, tonight, and all day tomorrow.


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