Caesar and Octavian

    Today in class we talked about Caesar and Octavian. Here are some of my notes:

  • Caesar appointed himslef governor of Gaul, making Pomepy jealous.
  • caesar fights him in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt with Caesar winning all the battles.
  • 44 B.C.- Caesar is named dictator for 6 months, then for life.
Caesar's Reforms

  • Granted citizenship to people in provinces
  • Expanded the Senate (added friends, less power).
  • Created jobs for the poor (public works)
  • Increased soldiers pay
  • Those without land could own property.
  • "Sic semper tyrannis"-"thus always to tyrants"

  • Senators threatened by Caesar's rise to power
  • They lured him into the Senate, stabbed him 23 times
  • Brutus, Caesar's ally stabbed him 
  • Senators not punished 
  • Octavian- Caesar's sole heir

  • Octavian takes over at age 18
    • own triumvirate: Marc Antony and Lepidus
  • Second Triumvirate (first: Caesar, Pompey and Crassus)
  • Marc Antony and Octavian became rivals
  • Marc Antony partnered up with Cleopatra
    • Personally
    • Politically 
    • Economically 
  • Defeated by Octavian in battle of Actium 
  • Octavian given title "Augustus"="Exalted one" 
  • Also given the title "imperator" (emperor
  • Octavian started Pax Romana (Roman peace- lasted 207 years)
  • Octavian ruled for 40 years


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