Legal Rights and Government in Rome

    Today in class we discussed politics in Rome. Plebeians were victims of discriminatory decisions made in judicial trials. Rome did not have written laws, but unwritten customs. Patricians took this to their advantage by interpreting them differently. The Plebeians refused to serve into the military until The Laws of the Twelve Tables were written, the laws were posted in public, and tribunes were elected. The SPQR designates any decree or decision made by "the Roman Senate and People." Res publica is the people's affairs. The brand new republic was ready to run. This republic had a hint of multiple other governments. The people's assembly and tribunes represented democracy. The Senate had about 300 members, which represents the aristocracy. The two consuls represent the monarchy, and they did not include a tyranny because they did not want to go through that again. The US modeled their government by the Romans. Both have three branches of government: Legislative, executive and judicial. Their legal code was the Twelve Tables: publicly displayed laws that gave rights to the Plebeians also.


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