Review Day

    Today in class we reviewed the material that will be on our test tomorrow. Here are some notes on the test topics:

  • The first "emperor" was Caesar Augustus
  • Significance of Tiberius: did not want to rule
  • Tarquin the Proud was the final king of Rome
  • Remus and Romulus were raised by a she- wolf
  • Built Rome on Palatine hill
  • Forum=Rome agora
  • Twelve Tables= Bill of Rights for us (12 tables posted publicly in forum)
  • SPQR= Senatus Populusque Romanum- decision made by Roman senate and people
  • Res Republica= the people's affairs
    • democracy: people's assembly + tribunes
    • aristocracy: the senate (about 300 members)
    • monarchy: consuls
  • For the test we also have to know the U.S. government versus Rome, and how the branches are similar or different.
Punic Wars
  • First: fought on the sea, access to trade and shipping routes
  • Second: Hannibal attacked Rome from the North with elephants, almost won
  • Third: Rome did not want the threat of Carthage, burned down that city, took everyone as slaves, destroyed them 
  • Scipio: "Death to Carthage!" 

  • "pater"=father
  • "latifundia"= big estates 
  • bread and circuses distracted the poor from their bad lives
Who settled Rome?

  • Etruscans: came from north-central part of peninsula, metalworkers, artist, architects, 
  • Greeks: many colonies around Mediterranean, Romans borrowed ideas from them 
  • Latins: descendants of Indo- Europeans, settled on banks of the Tiber, limited boats that could go through-not susceptible to attacks
Tarquin the Proud

  • 7th and final king of Rome
  • True tyrant- "Tarquin the Arrogant" 
  • People never wanted a tyrant to rule again 
  • Replaced by rule of two consuls 
Early Government 
  • Consuls- always aristocrats, could veto
  • 5th century BCE- plebeians challenged patrician dominance of government 
  • Plebes forced to serve in military, debt slavery, had no rights 
  • Refused to work until laws were made- Twelve Tables 
  • Senate and House of Rep.- members for life
  • Tibal and Centiriate Legislative assmeblies
  • Praetors memebers for life
  • Sentate elcts . praetors


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