
    Today in class we talked about Charles Martel's and his descendants. My notes are below.

How do you follow the Hammer?

  • Charles Martel's son is Pepin the Short 
  • He works with the Church and is named "king by the grace of God" by the Pope
  • Pepin the Short dies in 768, leaving two sons 
  • Son #1- Carolman- dies in 771
  • Son #2- Charles, known as Charlemagne, meaning Charles the Great
  • Charles the Great:
    • Six feet four inches of rocking, ruling warrior
Where did Charlemagne come from? 
  • Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer)- grandfather
  • lived 668-741
  • won the crucial Battle of Tours (732), halting Islamic expansion 
Charles Martel's Sons
  • Carolman
    • retired to become a monk in 747
  • Pepin the Short
    • continued to hold the Muslim's off
    • Father of Charlemagne (and Carolman)
What makes Charles so Great?
  • he expanded the Frankish kingdom into an Empire
  • He fought the Muslims in Spain (to the west)
  • He conquered Italy (to the south)
  • he fought Huns and Maygars (to the east)
  • Pope Leo III appreciated his efforts to spread Christianity and crowned him Imperator Augustus (Emperor) on Christmas Day 800


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