Feudalism in Europe

    Today in class we took notes again from the textbook. We had to answer questions. The questions were:

What are the significance of these terms?

  • lord: granted land (fief) in exchange for military protection 
  • vassal: person receiving fief
  • knights: mounted horsemen
  • serfs: people who could not lawfully leave where they were born
  • manor: lord's estate
  • tithe: church tax
  • fief: granted land to vassals 
What groups invaded Europe in the 800s?
  • The Magyar's and the Muslims attacked Europe in the 800's.
What obligations did the peasants owe the lords?
  • The peasants worked in the manor and some (serfs) could not leave. They were not slaves, but whatever they produced belonged to the lord. They paid taxes on grain, marriage, and a church tax (1/10 of their income). 
What were the three social classes in the feudal system?
  • The three social classes were vassals (wealthy landowners), knights (defended lord's land), and peasants (worked in fields). 


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