More on Christianity
Today in class we continued to talk about Christianity. Some of my notes are below:
- "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
- Jews and Christians were monotheistic
- The refused to worship Roman gods
- Early in Pax Romana, it was easy to travel and to spread ideas (Paul wasn't the only one who did so)
- Poor, desperate Romans were a receptive substance
- Jews and Christians were sometimes persecuted by Roman authorities, since Monotheism contradicted Roman law
- They could be exiled, imprisoned, executed, crucified, burned, or killed by wild animals
- This would happen as things began to go wrong for the Roman empire, scapegoats were "needed"
- Scapegoat: Aaron confessed Israelites' sins over a goat, then sent the goat away- symbolic
- Christianity grew because it:
- Embraced all people:
- Men AND women
- enslaved people
- the poor (and noble)
- Gave hope to powerless
- Appealed to those who were disgusted by imperial Rome's decadence
- Offered a personal relationship with God
- Promised eternal life
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