Test Day and Charlemagne

    Today in class we took our ancient Rome test and I got a 96. I'm very happy about this grade. However, it only brought my grade up 1 point on veracross. I will just have to continue to do my blogs and work to continue to slowly bring my grade up. I took several notes today. They are included below:

Invasions of Western Europe

  • Disruption of trade: Merchants faced invasions, businesses collapsed, money was scarce
  • Downfall of Cities: cities were abandoned as centers of administration 
  • Population shifts: Roman trade and government collapsed, nobles retreated to rural areas, no leadership in cities, city people fled to the countryside, Western Europe became rural. 

We also had to answer some questions. My answer are below:
3. 1. Classical heritage of Rome 
    2. Beliefs of Roman Catholic Church 
    3. Customs of various Germanic tribes 
4. Disruption of trade, downfall of cities, population shift 
5. He broadened the authority of the pope office, causing it to become a worldly power. 


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