Test Review and Questions

   Today in class we went over the test and everyone got 4 more points on their test because Mr. Schick marked a question wrong when it was right. The questions was what modern day U.S. government document is equivalent to the Twelve Tables. The correct answer wad D, the Bill of Rights, but he had the correct answer down as E, The First Amendment. This moved my grade up to a 100, which I am very happy about. I have not gotten a 100 in this class yet. We went through the rest of the test. Also, we checked the questions we did for homework which are on our previous blog. This gave us some points on veracross. The questions were about Charlemagne, the Franks taking over the empire, and the Middle Ages. Also, the section we read talked more about Christianity, and how it developed throughout this time period. The Middle Ages are a cool time period, and I'm excited to start learning about them.


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